Due to the popularity of our EDUZMS IELTS Academy we have found the need to expand our capabilities. Basically what this means is that we’ve upgraded our server, so that we can assist more people in learning (and faster) and that we’ve changed some of our web addresses to make it easier to find us.
EDUZMS.com will now become our ‘main’ site where you can buy IELTS, Academic Courses, Business courses and more with learn.eduzms.com being our Moodle run Learning Management System.
Our popular IELTS with James has been his own section and will continue to bring you important information about anything IELTS including up-to-date example questions and answers.
We’re using Tidio’s ChatBot and Operator services so that we can help visitors to our site navigate to, and buy courses more easily as well as find information and FAQs.
The chatbots are still learning, so please be patient with them. We don’t want them sulking on their first day!
We have renewed our IELTS Tips and Tricks (sent from IELTS with James). It’s completely free with useful titbits of information about the IELTS exam sent directly to your email.
Talk to IELS with James’ Newsletter Chatbot to get signed up!
Simply go to ielts.eduzms.com and open the Chatbot (on the right hand side) and type in newsletter. The Chatbot will take it from there.
We using Zapier to help us run some of our services more easily and automatically, so that means less waiting for you.
We’re going to be adding more functionality in the future with their help and Zap more and more!